Beyond Boredom

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So, you’ve found yourself in the captivating realm of video technology, ready to dive into the world of pixels, editing, and storytelling. Exciting, right? But let’s be real – keeping a video technology and production class engaged can feel like trying to play Monopoly blindfolded. Fear not, because I get it, and I’m here to chat about the not-so-small feat of finding activities that keep the creative juices flowing. (Or, you can skip to my ready-designed unit that walks students through the creating of a promotional video!

The Engagement Conundrum

Imagine herding a group of cats – that’s what it can sometimes feel like trying to keep a video tech class engaged. Technology can sometimes be a double-edged sword, because while it opens up endless possibilities, it also has the sneaky power to lead your class into the vortex of distraction. Balancing the use of tech for learning and steering clear of the rabbit hole of endless videos can be a delicate dance. With so many distractions competing for attention, from social media to daydreams of the latest blockbuster movie, standing out in this digital age is a challenge.

On top of that, attention spans these days are shorter than a Vine video (RIP Vine). It’s a reality we all have to grapple with. Long lectures and monotonous activities are like kryptonite for keeping minds engaged. How do you compete with the constant bombardment of short, flashy content that surrounds your students every day?

The Solution: Mix It Up!

The key to conquering the engagement maze is variety. Mix it up like a DJ at a music festival. Blend hands-on activities with interactive discussions. Throw in some real-world projects and spice it up with the occasional dose of industry insights. Keep your class on their toes, and you’ll have them hooked like it’s the latest binge-worthy series.

Sometimes, the best moments happen when you least expect them. Embrace the unexpected, and don’t be afraid to go off-script. A spontaneous brainstorming session or a quick dive into the latest tech trends can inject a burst of energy into your class, turning a regular day into a memorable one.

So, there you have it – the scoop on the challenges of keeping a video tech class engaged. It’s a wild ride, but with a sprinkle of creativity, a dash of spontaneity, and a pinch of tech-savvy magic, you’ll have your students eagerly hitting the play button on their video tech adventure!

Check out my Promotional Video Lesson Bundle here:

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