From Selfies to Cinematics

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Sometimes it feels like my students are in a constant state of posing for selfies and flashing duck lips. Their phones are an extension of their hands, and most of the time, when I need to figure out new technology, my students are the ones teaching me. So it’s always surprising to me when my new crew of video technology students come in, and can’t figure out how to use a video camera.

Maybe it’s all the little buttons, or the fact that it doesn’t look like an iPhone, but my students STRUGGLE. Despite their digital wizardry, many students seem utterly mystified when faced with a good ole’ video camera. Manual focus? Exposure settings? Audio configurations? It’s like we’ve handed them a Rubik’s Cube when they’re used to breezing through a game of Candy Crush.

Fear not, dear educators! We’ve got a game plan. I’ve put together a slideshow on Video Camera Basics – a mission to bridge the gap between digital expertise and the seemingly ancient world of traditional video cameras.

What’s Inside the Slideshow:

  1. Demystifying Camera Controls: We’re breaking down the confusing buttons and knobs – focus, aperture, shutter speed – and making them as easy as ordering your favorite snack online.
  2. Cracking the Audio Code: Because great videos deserve great sound. We’ll show them how to capture crystal-clear audio that’s not just background noise.
  3. The Art of Framing: Forget accidental finger photobombs! We’re sharing tips on framing shots, creating visual stories, and making every video a masterpiece.
  4. Let There Be Light: Shedding light on the importance of, well, good lighting. Trust us; it makes all the difference.

In a Nutshell: While our students are ruling the digital roost, let’s not forget the magic that happens when they understand the basics of video production. You can empower them to be not just digital maestros but versatile creators who can rock both the digital and analog sides of visual storytelling.

Let’s inspire the Spielberg in them and get ready for a cinematic adventure!

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